The following painting is a water color done on very rough paper. I did not like working on the paper. It was soft and very absorbent. It just gave me problems. I will try it again but not any time soon.
Succulent In the Sun
This on is another watercolor but this time done on watercolor canvas. This, too, had a whole new feel to it and new ways to get paint on the canvas and leave it where I wanted it. You need a really light hand with the canvas. I really like how the apples turned out they are quite "watercolor-esque" (my word). I have been experimenting with some different surfaces. Haven't found one I like best yet.
The photo I used for these three paintings are from my trip to Italy in 2005. While I am painting I am reliving being there, feeling the sun and how sore my calves were from climbing up and down the hills. The apples were part of our sack lunch that we brought from the villa that day. BTW what is Italian for apple?
Italian Apples on Old Windowsill
Finally this one is one of my favorite memories from Italy. The city that we were staying in had an old town that was very picturesque. I have lots more photos to use for paintings. This scene touched me -- such a modern little tyke's scooter in the ancient doorway. Can't you just see the little boy who will be coming back to his little trike after his nap? I need a good descriptive title for this one.
Old and New--Young and Old---Shiney and Crusty????
Now on to the next scene from Italy. It is in the ugly stage so I am stalling starting on it.....
Until next time.