This is the poster for the show. It is up all over town.
So I hope that we have good weather and that lots of people come to the show. Dan and I have gone to the show the past couple of years as customers. Dan likes shopping at the show for my Christmas gift from him. There are so many good artists that participate in this sweet little show. Now I will be an artist there hoping to make a few sales.
We have a display rack all ready to go. We need to make it festive looking and have lights and garland ready to set up. I will have a special display for my pet portrait commissions. Have I mentioned how much Dan has helped with this project. He is the one who devised the rack, found the right kind of lights, makes frames for my paintings, and will keep me company this weekend. Nicest of guys!
This is the display before the garland and lights are added.
With 60 some paintings to bring to the show. I will have twice the number of paintings hanging on both sides of the display, some on the table in the space and stand-bys in boxes for customers to browse through.
After this show is over, I will be able to get back to painting. My grandson, Jaedon, has requested a painting of Batman for Christmas. Can I do a cartoon character? And I might just have a commission to paint a pet for a Christmas gift.