I have had a really busy summer. Plein aire painting, vacations and last week a workshop with artist Robert Burridge at Dillman's creative arts foundation in northeast Wisconsin. Bob is a very dynamic artist who encouraged us to loosen up and become more colorful. The week was divided into three sections. First the figurative drawing and painting, second we used the figures we drew and painted and did more with collage and finally on Friday we had a mARTketing work shop for artists.
On Monday and Tuesday we had a really professional model, Vanassa Little Crow pose for both quick and long studies. This is a drawing that I did while she was resting. Usually she was standing or holding an unusual pose. I have more of my drawings and paintings on my Picassa album. This is on a full sheet of watercolor paper that was coated with acrylic gesso and I used a water soluble pencil and then washed the background. If I had had any courage, I would have added color and maybe some collage pieces to the drawing. But I did some really bad collages on some of my smaller pieces and didn't want to ruin this drawing. I guess the loosen up and get colorful message didn't get through to me on this painting.
We learned so much during the week. I hardly have had time to digest it all. But plan on doing the exercises that Bob taught us and to use his very unusual goof proof color wheel. Check out his web site to find out more about it.
Will be posting some more paintings as the week goes on. I am photographing some of my work and then editing them for the web.
See you soon.